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Thursday, July 23, 2009

My mama told me today that every house every family has its own problems.
And I totally agree with her.

well... there's practically nothing to hide about nor anything to boast about too.
taking my family for example. I've never thought that my family will have any problems, right until my younger brother grew up and turned bad. There's simply nothing that can be helped on our end and true enough, he made his own decision to move out far away from us.

I truely salute to such courageous move he'd made! but at the same time, thinking how foolish and selfish he is! For dumping the 'happily-ever-after-family" away and to naively think that living far away from us would make things better by avoiding those childish behaviours of his that we strictly object.

Fortunately, work has been busy enough to allow me from thinking about this senseless brother of mine, but i can't be busy for long to avoid thinking about him. We are somehow connected in blood. But why him...?

7/23/2009 08:03:00 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Yesh.And indeed that is all true!
I love being surrounded by friends and Timho :)
Monday with Y.S., Phoonie, Dayani and Timho was one of my happiest day this week!
lol. Or I should say...hmm... I feel contented like this so very easily. And I'm happy with it!

Can't wait for Monday to arrive again! hehh~ Friends and Timho kill my Monday Blues!!!
We are so gonna catch Harry Potter and the half blood prince together!!! Woohoooooo!!!

I'm so glad that Timho's out of his dark period now :)
Those dark period he had been through with devils and evil villians haunting him all day.
Mannn... you never want to know how torturous it was for him!
Phew!!! It's all over!!!! Nightmare's over finally! :)

Everytime the morning light shines,
I know that time has arrive,
No matter how dreadful each morning is,
I know there is someone waiting for me at the other end,
And that keeps me moving all day long.
The smile. The Joy. The Laughter and every other thing.


7/16/2009 02:05:00 PM

Monday, July 06, 2009

well... we din't expect to celebrate our 2nd yr anniversary this way... (see pic below)

okay, don't freak out! hmm... darling fainted this morning at home, and somehow got a deep cut when he woke up! we spent the whole morning at changi hospital. lol.

and look at darling's exhausted face in this picture. Geez. i was throwing a big tantrum this evening... making a big fuss about not celebrating our 2-year anniversary =_=

Thank you for pacifying me this evening. I love you dear!

7/06/2009 12:02:00 AM